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WM 6.5 build 23004 Titanium Neo Shadow PDA Viet Special Edition

New Colour TaskBar
HTC Claculator 1.5
HTC Comm Manager v2.7.5.0
HTC MP3 Trimmer 2.0
HTC Camera Album 2.5
PCMKeyboard 1.4 Vietnamese QWERTY
Safe Inbox Extender
Solitiare Graphics updated
Mobile Office 2007
Mobile Word
Mobile Excel
Mobile Power Point
Advanced Config 3.3 by Julien Schapman
HTC X Button
WinRar 3.80
WM Storage 1.9 by Igor v Bozhko (Two Way)
PHM Reg Edit 7.0 by Philippe Majerus
Fexploreext 2.05
PimBack-up by FdcSoft
Synchro Time 0.95 by Dennis Grachov
Talking Sound Events
Netframework 3.5
Task Manager 3.1 by FdcSoft
MoDaCo NoData 2.0
SmartLock 1.7 WWE
CHome Editor v1.6 by showaco
ATContacts v0.98 by greatbal
tommy34 LockScreen
Titanium Shadow Neo Skin Now with more Supported panels/plugins:
1) CMyPhotos
2) CMusic
3) ATFavePeople
4) TitaniumWeather
5) CPhone
6) CText
7) CClock
8) CAppointments
9) CEmail
10) CVoicemail
11) Favorites
12) CLauncher
Make sure you read this first or your Titanium Neo Shadow wont look like the screenshots
1/Goto settings\Today\Apperance Select Rock and Republic Black theme and press ok
2/Goto Start\Utilities folder and run ChomeEditor (Enable ATFavePeople plug in)
save then exit
Thanks again to Lamson
Thanks to greatbal For his Titanium Shadow Neo Skin
Thanks to blazingwolf For help packaging Neo
For those who use Titanium Weather this version is made to go with Neo
Around 20mb free Ram with Titanium G4
Around 44mb free Space + 10mb Extended ROM G4
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