<img src="images/pvRanks/VipMem.gif" alt="" border
Đây là hướng dẫn làm big storage của dòng Hermes!
Bác nào rành tiếng anh và hiểu về nó dịch lại giúp !
Bác nào đã làm được trên các dòng khác ra tay giúp đỡ đi. Em mò mãi mà không ra cái này !!!!!!
Tham khảo thêm ở đây: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=360461
Nguyên văn
This HoTo is based in Bepe metode and explanations from cicciocant
Cicciocant don't have a Thread abaut this in the forum, but have a similar explanations in Italian, in a Italian Forum.
Bepe Thread.
Post from Cicciocant in the Italian Forum.
and 1 mor time sorry for my bad ENG.[/size][/B]
Regards to all cooker's
Bác nào rành tiếng anh và hiểu về nó dịch lại giúp !
Bác nào đã làm được trên các dòng khác ra tay giúp đỡ đi. Em mò mãi mà không ra cái này !!!!!!
Tham khảo thêm ở đây: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=360461
Nguyên văn
This HoTo is based in Bepe metode and explanations from cicciocant
Cicciocant don't have a Thread abaut this in the forum, but have a similar explanations in Italian, in a Italian Forum.
Bepe Thread.
Post from Cicciocant in the Italian Forum.
and 1 mor time sorry for my bad ENG.[/size][/B]
First you need a Base Rom.
Tools at end of this Post
With the nbhtool from dutty's decompile the RUU_signed.nbh
Now you have some new *.nb files
rename Windows.nb to OS.nb
So we start from the ROM format os.nb
with the tadzio tools and Bepe package tool Extrat SYS e OEM.
Put SYS and OEM in your Kitchen, Create a ROM folder in the Kitchen leave blank for now. (There goes the xip that we must first patch)
Now take the file OS.nb
Export xip.bin with the commands:
Now you need xipport from Bepe include
Execute Xipport in the same folder where you have nk.nb and xip.bin
Press [dump xip.bin] and you create a folder OUT dont close the XIPPORT
Go inside OUT\MODULES\ FLASHDRV.DLL and open the file s000 with a HEX editor.
FLASHDRV.DLL S000 needs of these changes:
These values them are exactly the times that says Bepe, then you can not go wrong.
A this point go to XIPPORT again
First Push [realloc P] and then [Build xip_out.bin]
You now have the xip patched and you must merged with nk.nb.
At the bottom of XIPPORT there are two lines
In the last one we write nk.nb (there should be already written)
In the first one will be written the address within nk.nb begins where the xip.bin
How do you know the address?
Open the xip.bin with Hex editor and you see that begins with
FE 03 00 EA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
45 43 45 43 68 1B 19 80 68 1B 19
Now open nk.nb with a hex editor and you trying find the address that begins with the hex sequence.
What is the data that you must enter in the first row on xipport?
You go see that address that begins with the hex sequence at 00000400 is not that one, and another at 00320000 or someting like that, this is the correct one.
In my Hermes is 00320000
See the image in Post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1837256&postcount=22
A this point press the [xip_out.bin write to:]
And now you have the nk.nb with the xip patched.
Now you need re-create the os.nb file with the commands:
A this point you need edite the OS.nb in the Hex editor
This Hex Egitor is in attach Files
Attention. Let me give you an example of how I have done:
Now copy the OS.nb and puts it inside the folder ROM in your kitchen.
Since then, we extract the xip from the OS.nb with the commands:
Last Steep:
Using the regcomp and the notepad to delete/edit the HV files, you need [size=+1]SAVE AS the RGU file, and select the type as "Unicode" The reason to Save as Unicode, is because rgucomp can only read Unicode
Dont forget to put in the first line REGDIT4 and a Blank line afther that, and also a Blank lile at end of the file.
Then you can convert again the RGU file to HV file with the regcomp[/size]
Tools at end of this Post
With the nbhtool from dutty's decompile the RUU_signed.nbh
Now you have some new *.nb files
rename Windows.nb to OS.nb
So we start from the ROM format os.nb
with the tadzio tools and Bepe package tool Extrat SYS e OEM.
Put SYS and OEM in your Kitchen, Create a ROM folder in the Kitchen leave blank for now. (There goes the xip that we must first patch)
Now take the file OS.nb
Export xip.bin with the commands:
nbsplit -hermes os.nb
rename OS.nb.payload nk.nb
RomMaster -w 5 nk.nb -x -o xip.bin >NUL
rename OS.nb.payload nk.nb
RomMaster -w 5 nk.nb -x -o xip.bin >NUL
Now you need xipport from Bepe include
Execute Xipport in the same folder where you have nk.nb and xip.bin
Press [dump xip.bin] and you create a folder OUT dont close the XIPPORT
Go inside OUT\MODULES\ FLASHDRV.DLL and open the file s000 with a HEX editor.
FLASHDRV.DLL S000 needs of these changes:
- "58 20 43" to "04 20 43" (1 time)
- "58 30 43" to "04 30 43" (3 times)
- "58 30 43" to "04 30 43" (3 times)
These values them are exactly the times that says Bepe, then you can not go wrong.
A this point go to XIPPORT again
First Push [realloc P] and then [Build xip_out.bin]
You now have the xip patched and you must merged with nk.nb.
At the bottom of XIPPORT there are two lines
In the last one we write nk.nb (there should be already written)
In the first one will be written the address within nk.nb begins where the xip.bin
How do you know the address?
Open the xip.bin with Hex editor and you see that begins with
FE 03 00 EA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
45 43 45 43 68 1B 19 80 68 1B 19
Now open nk.nb with a hex editor and you trying find the address that begins with the hex sequence.
What is the data that you must enter in the first row on xipport?
You go see that address that begins with the hex sequence at 00000400 is not that one, and another at 00320000 or someting like that, this is the correct one.
In my Hermes is 00320000
See the image in Post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1837256&postcount=22
A this point press the [xip_out.bin write to:]
And now you have the nk.nb with the xip patched.
Now you need re-create the os.nb file with the commands:
rename nk.nb os.nb.payload
NBMerge -hermes os.nb
NBMerge -hermes os.nb
A this point you need edite the OS.nb in the Hex editor
- BN files: 0x000001F5: short value + 0x48 (eg: 0xA7 +0 x48 = 0xEF)
- BN files: 0x000001FB: short value + 0x48
- BN files: 0x000001FB: short value + 0x48

This Hex Egitor is in attach Files
Attention. Let me give you an example of how I have done:
0x000001F5: A7 00 + 0x48 = EF 00
0x000001FB: A5 01 + 0x48 = ED 01
0x000001FB: A5 01 + 0x48 = ED 01
Now copy the OS.nb and puts it inside the folder ROM in your kitchen.
Since then, we extract the xip from the OS.nb with the commands:
nbsplit -hermes os.nb
del os.nb
del OS.nb.extra
rename OS.nb.payload nk.nba
RomMaster -w 5 nk.nba -x -o xip2.bin >NUL
mkdir XIP
dumprom xip2.bin -5 -d XIP >NUL
del os.nb
del OS.nb.extra
rename OS.nb.payload nk.nba
RomMaster -w 5 nk.nba -x -o xip2.bin >NUL
mkdir XIP
dumprom xip2.bin -5 -d XIP >NUL
Last Steep:
Delete all references "ExtRom" in:
XIP: boot.rgu, boot.hv;
IMGFS: default.hv;
Delete all references "ExtRom" in:
XIP: boot.rgu, boot.hv;
IMGFS: default.hv;
Using the regcomp and the notepad to delete/edit the HV files, you need [size=+1]SAVE AS the RGU file, and select the type as "Unicode" The reason to Save as Unicode, is because rgucomp can only read Unicode
Dont forget to put in the first line REGDIT4 and a Blank line afther that, and also a Blank lile at end of the file.
Then you can convert again the RGU file to HV file with the regcomp[/size]
Regards to all cooker's