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Một cuốn sách mà tất cả mọi sinh viên và Bác sĩ đều nên có . Cuốn sách phiên bản 2008 này cập nhật rất nhiều thứ , nhưng đáng tiếc là chưa có dưới dạng phần mềm .

Đây là những gì cập nhật mới trong cuốn sách quý giá này :
best edition yet:

- Expanded, modernized illustration program with more than 800 brand-new, additional illustrations—a 40% increase over the previous edition. This valuable new collection includes even more great depictions of pathophysiological processes, decision-speeding algorithms, clinical photographs, essential radiology images, an atlas of EKG tracings, and full color depictions of key pathological specimens—all designed to enhance learning and clinical application of the chapter material.
- Brand new, reader-friendly text design optimizes the full-color format. Even faster access to acclaimed features such as the Approach to the Patient boxes and Treatment boxes, graduated colors in tables to facilitate at-a-glance reference, illustration and table citations highlighted in bold, and numerous other changes speed you through the great Harrison's content quicker than ever.
- An expanded, innovative focus on global health. Harrison's 17th edition features brand new chapters such as "Global Considerations in Medicine" by Jim Kim and Paul Farmer, and the "Global Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Disease". In addition, many chapters feature a brand new Global Considerations icon, which identifies important epidemiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic distinctions between global regions to aid in the diagnosis and management of specific diseases.
- NEW Global Advisory Board comprised of 11 prominent medical experts from Asia, Europe, and South America.
- Revision of the popular On Line Learning Center, which offers more skill-sharpening self-assessment questions and answers, plus additional case studies for helping you apply Harrison's content to the daily care of patients.
- Bonus companion DVD features:
- 36 new "e-chapters" that cover vital topics in medical education, residency training, and clinical practice
- Over 500 brand-new radiological, laboratory, and clinical images, including complete atlases of hematologic specimens; radiological imaging in neurological, rheumatologic, pulmonary, and cardiovascular disease; rashes associated with fever; EKG interpretations; renal disease specimens and urinalysis; live biopsies; and much more
- State-of-the-art video clips of key diagnostic studies in cardiac and endoscopic imaging, plus video animations of the pathophysiological process of atherosclerosis
- An Image Bank of nearly all the illustrations contained in the parent text—ideal for use in lectures and presentations

- Over 40 chapters new to this edition, including "Health Disparities," "Quality and Safety in Patient Care," "The Biology of Psychiatric Disorders," "Hospital Neurology," "Electrophysiology in Neurological Diagnosis," "Clinical Management of Obesity," and "Approach to Heart Murmurs"
- Important new chapter on the Principles of Global Health and Medicine, reflecting key organizational, administrative and clinical issues of this increasingly influential area
- NEW section on Regenerative Medicine provides a leading-edge overview of this increasingly critical specialty in chapters such as "Stem Cell Biology," "Application of Stem Cell Biology to Clinical Medicine," "Hematopoietic Stem Cell Therapy," and "Tissue Engineering"
- The classic Introduction to Clinical Medicine section features a dramatic and timely revision, with great new chapters on Global Issues in Medicine, and new e-chapters addressing Patient Safety and Quality, Ethics in Medicine, and The Economics of Medicine; Health Disparities, and more.
- Cardinal Manifestations of Diseases section includes a new e-chapter, "Atlas of Skin Diseases," plus new chapters on "Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia" and on the neurological and nervous system manifestations of internal disease.
- Cardiology section features in-depth, brand new chapters on electrocardiography; the basic biology of the cardiovascular system; the worldwide epidemiology of heart disease; a great new review of the biology and clinical recognition of heart murmurs; and the metabolic syndrome, which addresses the current health crisis of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.
- Pulmonary Diseases section features newly authored, state-of-the-art chapters on asthma and pneumonia; plus a brand new e-chapter on chest radiology that provides a complete and very useful atlas of radiographs and CT studies of a wide range of chest diseases.
- Nephrology section includes a brand-new chapter, "Cellular and Molecular Biology of the Kidney," that places the physiology and pathophysiology of renal disease into a coherent diagnostic and treatment framework; also included is a brand new e-chapter, "Atlas of Renal Pathology and Urinalysis," which includes numerous full-color pathological examples ofcommon and rare kidney diseases.
- Oncology/Hematology section features, all-new and timely coverage of targeted anti-tumor therapies, and new treatment approaches to antiplatelet, anticoagulant, and fibrinolytic therapy, plus an entirely retooled section on Hemostasis that reflects critical new developments.
- Gastroenterology/Hepatology section includes two brand new chapters, "Common Diseases of the Colon and Anorectum" and "Mesenteric Vascular Insufficiency," and a thoroughly revised chapter, "Cirrhosis and Its Complications"; a new e-chapter, "Atlas of Liver Biopsies", which shows full color depiction of liver pathologies; and an completely updated chapter on the evolving knowledge base of the "Genetic and Metabolic Liver Diseases".
- Infectious Diseases section features an extensive collection of brand new pathological and radiological imagesand includes a huge number of rewritten and exhaustively updated chapters, covering the latest advances in the management of key diseases such as pneumonia, shigellosis, malaria, hospital-acquired and drug resistant infections, tuberculosis, and more. The HIV/AIDS chapter, an acknowledged classic worldwide, has been completely updated by the team of Fauci and Lane.
- Rheumatology section includes completely rewritten chapters on "Sarcoidosis," "Amyloidosis," "Osteoarthritis," and "Gout and Other Crystal Arthropathies," as well as a new e-chapter: "Atlas of Clinical Imaging in the Vasculitis Syndromes".
- Endocrine section features a state-of-the-art chapter on diabetes;a completely revised chapter on pheochromocytoma that emphasizes the genetic causes of these tumors; plus a valuable new e-chapter, the "Atlas of Metabolic Disorders"; and more.
- Neurology section includes great new chapters such as "Essential Tremor and Movement Disorders," "Peripheral Neuropathy," and "Neurologic Problems in Hospitalized Patients; and the Biology of Psychiatric Disorders by the leading authorities in the world.
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