#Cập nhật Rom HTC ONE Sprint
- Phiên bản của
@fisha21@XDA Forum hiển thị rõ nét chức năng 3G hơn so với phiên bản của nhóm Viper@XDA Forum, máy chạy khá "mát" chắc do vẫn sử dụng sens 5.5 pin được cải thiện đôi chút với các tác vụ thông thường như nghe gọi, lướt Web, xem phim, nghe nhạc và chạy 3G.
- Vì là nhà mạng Sprint nên khi flash Rom, cần vượt qua bước Hands Free Activation ( Viper Rom pass qua cái này ) bằng lệnh *#*#4636#*#* --->Phone Info---> Switch CDMA, hoặc
1. Boot into recovery
2. Mount system
3. Use file manager to get to system/apps and delete "htcsetupwizard.apk"
4. Unmount system
5. Wipe dalvic
6. Reboot to system.
[ROM] RENOVATE | Milestone 9.0 | Sense 5.5 | 4.19.401.9 (1/March/14)
- Phiên bản của
- Vì là nhà mạng Sprint nên khi flash Rom, cần vượt qua bước Hands Free Activation ( Viper Rom pass qua cái này ) bằng lệnh *#*#4636#*#* --->Phone Info---> Switch CDMA, hoặc
1. Boot into recovery
2. Mount system
3. Use file manager to get to system/apps and delete "htcsetupwizard.apk"
4. Unmount system
5. Wipe dalvic
6. Reboot to system.
Based on 4.19.401.9 - Android 4.4.2 with Sense 5.5
Stock HTC Kernel with system write access
Full support for Sprint (including EPST), AT&T and T-MOUS (including Wifi calling)
Choice of stock HTC theme, or extensively integrated Renovate blue/black theme (see screenshots post 5)
Fully themed AROMA - choice of full install, update only, or change theme options
Tweaks - thanks to [MENTION=41844]hero[/MENTION]
myHub - thanks to [MENTION=134804]mik[/MENTION]rosmile
Project ERA sound mod - thanks to ZeroInfinity
Advanced Power Menu
Added extended homescreen menu
lyapota's 3-in1 app drawer mod (choose from 3x4, 4x5 and 5x6 app drawer)
lyapota's extended horizontal quick setting mod
Support for landscape Prism
Restored the missing 4x4 widgets
CRT screen off animation
Native AppOps in Settings menu
Volume key shutter button in Camera (up for photo, down for video)
Xposed installer
Long-press back to kill app
Removed the "select input method" notification by default
Extended options in Message app
Set max preview lines in Messages to 5
Increased max mms size
Tweaked NFC to work while screen is off
Removed HTC Sync manager, MTP and USB connected notifications
Completely removed HTC Quick Tips
Removed all HTC logging APKs
Re-enabled hardware info in Settings menu
Unlocked Developer Settings by default
Removed constant data and GPS icons for Sprint users
Tweaked system wide animations, with extra system animation values (found in developer options)
Plus others...
0% compression on all apks for improved performance
Removed debugging info from all apks and jars.
Rooted, with SuperSU
Init.d support
Hardware accelerated multiple HTC Apps
Cleaned the HTC important processes list and added HTC Launcher (Prism) for increased performance
Disabled scrolling cache
Disabled signature check
/System & /Data zipalign at every boot
Script to remove tombstones + unneeded files at every boot
/Data/app cleanup on each flash
Ext4 tweaks for better performance
Cleaned RAM disk
Option to odex/deodex when flashing
Cleaned and tweaked build.prop for better performance
Clock colour
AM/PM appearance
Battery options
Battery text
MIUI battery bar
Hide statusbar icons *NEW*
Data traffic monitor
Display *NEW*
Recent apps style
CRT anim
Hide selected notifications
App tweaks *NEW*
Screen on with new messages
Prism mods
Landscape prism
Transparent navbar
Button behaviour *NEW*
Long press back to kill app
Volume key behaviour
Autobrightness options *NEW*
Phone info
Carrier label text colour *NEW*
AOSP lockscreen *NEW*
Quick PIN unlock *NEW*
Wipe cache/dalvik
Fix permissions
Boot options
PIE control
Gesture control
Special thanks to [MENTION=41844]hero[/MENTION] for providing the base Tweaks app, and spending time teaching us how the toggle coding etc works!
International / Sprint / AT&T / TMOUS
Full wipe / Upgrade
Statusbar battery options
With %
Without %
No battery icon
Statusbar clock options
No clock
Transparency options
4x1 / 4x2 weather clock
Prism options
4x4 homescreen
4x5 homescreen (with fully compatible full page 4x5 widgets)
Remove app labels
De-sense - choice of Apex / Nova / Google Home
Enable OpenVPN support
Disable Exchange mail security
NFC active with screen off
Xposed framework
User choice HTC / Google / other app removal
User choice of additional language keyboards
Odex / deodex
Easy management of the ROM, install updates straight from the SD Card without needing to spend hours zipping up full ROM.
OTA style updates available, the script reboots to recovery and flashes everything for you (No interaction needed!)
You can flash either CWM recovery or TWRP from inside the script
AROMA option to initialise repo when flashing rom
Download the ROM from the link below
Copy the ROM on to the sdcard
Reboot your phone into recovery
Select install from .zip and choose the ROM.zip
Follow the on-screen instructions, full wipe is recommended if coming from another ROM or after each official release.
Let the ROM boot and enjoy!
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