bliinGPSXS N95 v1.00
PM hỗ trợ GPRS
What is bliinGPSXS ?
bliinGPSXS is our free and easy software that sends your GPS-locationto the bliin servers so you can be positioned Live! on the map inreal-time.
If you have a GPS embedded handset or a bluetooth enabled externalGPS-puck feel free to download bliinGPSXS. bliinGPSXS is available for:
* Java supported handsets with internal or external GPS
* Windows mobile devices with internal or external GPS
* Windows computers icw bluetooth GPS
* Mac OSX computers icw bluetooth GPS
POCKETbliin discontinued (as of 22-01-0
bliinGPSXS V1.0
release date: January 5th, 2008
Today we have discontinued POCKETbliin downloads from our site. Duringthe past month we have been publicly testing bliinGPSXS and we think wehave found a worthy follow up in it.
We started POCKETbliin to offer you a seamless experience for creating& navigating bliin content. All of the bliin features were embeddedin this application (photo Shares, Trips, Friends, Bookmarks). Thedrawback of this was the portability to the multitude of handset makesand models that are out there. Screen resolution, camera triggering,keypad layouts all of them needed different installer .JAR files. Wewere not always sure that what we put out, was actually working becausewe could not always physically test on all the devices. The userfeedback on our forum is testament to this.
So we decided to take a different approach, one we had already startedwith bliinGPSXS for desktop computers: bliinGPSXS for handsets.
The challenge: create a single version software for sendingGPS-location only leave all other features in the handset browser. Thisis where comes in.
bliinGPSXS for handsets can be downloaded from or Once installed and started it will ask for your username andpassword. Beyond this the application is pretty straightforward: when aconnection is made with our server and when enough GPS satellites arefound for a fix, you are Live!. Choose: options > web and yourphone-native web browser will start to take you to
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Other features in bliinGPSXS:
- Setup: for selecting your GPS device: internal, Bluetooth or com-port
- Send Interval: to set your location send interval: 15 sec, 15 minutes, manually
- Minimize: sends bliinGPSXS to the background so you can continueusing your standard handset functionality.
Does not work on allhandsets: NOKIA S30’s and Samsungs are known to not support backgroundapplications.