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PM quản lý tin nhắn:
"Best MessageStorer UIQ3 lets you easily and conveniently save your SMS, MMS, emails in a text or CSV file (Sony Ericsson M600, W950, G900, P1i, P990, W960, etc).Best MessageStorer has an intuitive user interface made in conformity with the concept of user interface for UIQ3. Best MessageStorer allowing to navigate through Inbox, Outbox etc.
Allows saving messages as text file. The text file contains detailed information about the message in easy-to-view representation. This file can be opened on your PC with Notepad
Allows storing messages as CSV (comma-separated values) file. CSV is a structured file containing messages and their properties in separate fields. Such file can be easily imported in Excel or any other software working with CSV format
Allows sorting messages by type, date/time, sender
A filter allows selecting messages by type (SMS, MMS or Email);"
PM quản lý tin nhắn:
"Best MessageStorer UIQ3 lets you easily and conveniently save your SMS, MMS, emails in a text or CSV file (Sony Ericsson M600, W950, G900, P1i, P990, W960, etc).Best MessageStorer has an intuitive user interface made in conformity with the concept of user interface for UIQ3. Best MessageStorer allowing to navigate through Inbox, Outbox etc.
Allows saving messages as text file. The text file contains detailed information about the message in easy-to-view representation. This file can be opened on your PC with Notepad
Allows storing messages as CSV (comma-separated values) file. CSV is a structured file containing messages and their properties in separate fields. Such file can be easily imported in Excel or any other software working with CSV format
Allows sorting messages by type, date/time, sender
A filter allows selecting messages by type (SMS, MMS or Email);"