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(Ác Chủ Bài)'Terminator Salvation' from GameLoft


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Super V.I.P
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Chỗ nào ĐẤT LÀNH thì CHIM cứ ĐẬU thui mà Bạn!:D Thấy Topic Bạn Post CÔNG PHU quá nên PHỤC HỒI lại và GỘP chung vào Topic này rồi đó! Mong Bạn tiếp tục chia sẻ nhé!;;)=D>


New Member
Terminator Salvation 1.0.4 iPhone iPod Touch


Terminator Salvation game, set to be released just in time for the movie next, recently wowed iPhone enthusiasts with their sharp visuals. Having finally played the game for myself, I can confirm that those are not bullshots -- the game looks outrageously good. In one scene set in a ruined San Francisco, I could read the highway signs hanging above a stretch of cratered asphalt. The character models for John Connor, the Terminator, and another person I am hesitant to mention because I don't want to spoil one of the movie's most crucial twists are nicely detailed. The way a smashed Terminator pulls itself along the ground at you looks just like it did in the first film.

It should be, too, because the game was obviously built on top of the Brothers in Arms engine, which was one of Gameloft's early iPhone hits, lauded for its impressive graphics. One of my chief concerns with BiA, though, was the uneven controls. And because Terminator is built on top of that engine, I was quite concerned that clumsy touch controls would get in the way of me blasting some T-600s. After going hands-on with the game, I am relieved that the on-foot controls have been tweaked
