Mình lấy bên XDA về, up lên chạy trơn tru, nhưng bị 1 lỗi là ko ko display dc vietnamese font... bác nào thử chạy rom này rồi fix lỗi hộ mình với...tìm đủ moi font pack install vào rồi mà vẫn bó tay....! Nản quá! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=562942
link download:
Mirror MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/?eizwy4miunb
vài Pix về rom mới:
March 16th, 2010 (Latest release):
* New theme, intro animation and setup screens...
* Added DeviceLock so you can lock your phone automatically (disabled by default)
* Updated to Opera 10 Final (and now the TOS is preaccepted... such an annoyance that was!)
* Sense 2.5 color tweaks and icons
* Sense 2.5 Call History tab added
* Taskbar icons updated
* Fixed Carrier Provisioning errors and now they're all turned off by default
* Weather animations in Sense 2.5 turned off by default (will provide cab in "Addons" to turn it back on)
link download:
Mirror MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/?eizwy4miunb
vài Pix về rom mới:

March 16th, 2010 (Latest release):
* New theme, intro animation and setup screens...
* Added DeviceLock so you can lock your phone automatically (disabled by default)
* Updated to Opera 10 Final (and now the TOS is preaccepted... such an annoyance that was!)
* Sense 2.5 color tweaks and icons
* Sense 2.5 Call History tab added
* Taskbar icons updated
* Fixed Carrier Provisioning errors and now they're all turned off by default
* Weather animations in Sense 2.5 turned off by default (will provide cab in "Addons" to turn it back on)
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