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Sim Card Manager


New Member
Các bạn dùng IP lâu không biết dùng qua trình này chưa. Lang thang trên mạng thấy phần mềm này nhưng không có thuốc. Bác nào nghiên cứu và bốc thuốc hộ anh em. Có tiếng anh ở phần giới thiệu luôn nên mình không dịch nữa nhé.

IBE SIM Card Manager is a very convenient tool to backup of your contacts and SMS texts to your iPhone’s SIM card and transfers your existing phone numbers and SMSs into your new iPhone. It allows you to easily move all your contacts or SMSs to your iPhone without having to use Outlook or the Mac Address Book.

It costs $19.95 and is installed via Installer.app using the following source: http://www.ibegroup.com/products/SIMCardManager.pxl

Use iPhone mods and hacks at your own risk! Installing 3rd Party iPhone apps requires you to jailbreak the iPhone before installing the native software and apps. You can use Installer.app for Mac OSX and iBrickr for Windows PC to do this. Browse the full list of all iPhone and iPod touch native 3rd party apps filed under the software category.

Get it here

Link của nó đây: http://www.appsafari.com/utilities/6005/sim-card-manager/