Well-Known Member
Missed Call Deluxe v1.1
Bạn đã từng bỏ quên những cuộc gọi, những tin nhắn quan trọng. Với PM này, chuyện đó sẽ không bao giờ xảy ra nữa. PM giúp thông báo những tin nhắn chưa đọc, những cuộc gọi nhỡ chưa xem giúp bạn không bao giờ bỏ sót bất kỳ tin nhăn hay cuộc gọi nào.
Whenever you miss a call, a SMS/MMS, or a voicemail, this app will create a recurring alarm.
- Create different alerts for different contacts
- SMS/MMS designed for built-in SMS app; may not work with 3rd party apps.
- Cancel the alert by simply clearing the notification or by viewing the missed call.
- Doesn't drain battery!
- May not work with visual voicemail or other custom voicemail applications, such as the Evo4G
What's in this version:
Voicemail alert (experimental!)
Can add a delay before the first alarm starts
Allow SMS alerts to use a different sound
Work properly on high DPI devices
Add ring intervals for 2,3,4 minutes
Retail Supplied by: -Ripper-