• Hiện tại trang web đang trong quá hình chuyển đổi và tái cấu trúc lại chuyên mục nên có thể một vài chức năng chưa hoàn thiện, một số bài viết và chuyên mục sẽ thay đổi. Nếu sự thay đổi này làm bạn phiền lòng, mong bạn thông cảm. Chúng tôi luôn hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp để chúng tôi hoàn thiện và phát triển. Cảm ơn

City Bomber 1.21 iPhone iPod Touch


New Member

Let us see if you are as good of a pilot as you believe. Ahead of you is the difficult task of destroying various obstacles before they destroy you. There are 10 challenging levels in this game that will prove that not just anyone can become a pilot. It is not an easy assignment ahead of you, but you are welcome to try. Remember, the sky is the limit!
After a nuclear power plant disaster, an entire city is destroyed with radioactive particles. After 30 years the government has decided to demolish the entire city and start everything from scratch. The point of this game is to help blow up buildings using rockets fired from a helicopter so that a new city can be built.

-10 Levels from very easy to very difficult
-Original soundtrack
-Very easy touch navigation
-Play in either English/Polish
-Option to Turn Music/FX Off
-Pause during game



New Member
City Bomber 1.23 iPhone iPod Touch

-10 Levels from very easy to very difficult
-Original soundtrack
-Very easy touch navigation
-Play in either English/Polish
-Option to Turn Music/FX Off
-Pause during game



New Member
Chơi game này cũng hay, nhưng dễ chán quá, mấy trò xây Tower lâu chán hơn